Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I have some frozen durian pulps in my freezer for a week and it's about time to use them up. So here i transformed them to another food product- durian puff. My whole house smell of durian now. When eaten cold, this is a really yummy dessert.

For the choux pastry, please refer to my the recipe here. For the durian fillings, this is my own "secret recipi".

Durian Fillings

200g of whipping cream
200g of durian pulps
10gof gelatine powder
3 table spoon of milk

1. Whip up whipping cream to a soft peak.
2. Add in durian pulps and mix well.
3. Dissolve gelatin powder into milk and mix with mixture from previous step.
4. Put fillings in a piping bag and pipe it out into the baked choux pastry.

If you leave it in freezer, it will taste like eating durian puffs ice-cream. Yummy....

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