Monday, May 24, 2010

The Muted Cry: stories of working children

What’s with me lately that I seem to be drawn into reading depressing books?  “The Muted Cry: stories of working children.''
I must clarify that a disturbing or depressing book does not equate to bad book. On the contrary, these disturbing and depressing books I’ve been reading lately were very well written and they deeply touched sensitivities that I didn’t even know I have before reading these books.
That clarification is important especially because The Muted Cry, which was commissioned by the International Labour Office, was edited by no less than our good friend Loree Cruz-Mante. Loree and her husband James are dear friends to me and my xGF and I can swear to Loree’s book writing (and editing) prowess.
I usually devour a book once I get started with it. I couldn’t do that with The Muted Cry. I feel so bad for those hapless children whose stories were compiled and narrated in the book that I could manage only a story at a time, 2 at most.
It is an eye opener, and I hope more people can get to read this book. The Philippines is one of the countries whose child labor situation is so dire. Surely, something can and must be done about it and soon.

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